We have a LOT of work to do, Sean and I. He has a ton of homework, and I mean a TON, because he's got either 6 or 7 classes this semester. I have some too, mostly a bunch of reading. However, my ContempCanLit class has a LOT of work for just a half-year course. 2 small essays, a large reading journal, an in-class essay, a large term paper, and a Christmas exam. That's actually more work than most of my 3rd year science classes last year! However, it's not hard work like those were, it's mostly "grunt" work.
There's also lots of housework to do, I'm doing laundry, then there's dishes. There's floors to vacuum and wash, bathrooms to clean, tables and desks that really need to be tidied...plus, I REALLY need to meal plan. I'm never inspired when I look through the cupboards. I'm going to set up a permanent grocery list, then keep it in a plastic sheath on the fridge, and just check off the things I need with a dry-erase marker. I may even laminate it if I can figure out where to do it (maybe the campus print shop?).
I am slightly less burdened with school at the moment, but for a not-good reason. My voice teacher got appendicitis and is in the hospital! She won't be back next week, but maybe the week after. Poor Tellie! I'm trying to think of something I can do to make her feel better.
Have you seen the new
knitty surprises! I LOVE them all, particularly the Yorick scarf. It's all I can do to keep from pulling a
harlot and tossing my Gryffindor scarf aside to make one. One thing that helps - I don't have white wool, only white yarn. Besides, I have a bunch of stuff to start working on for Christmas after this anyway, not to mention finishing mine, Sean's, and my cousing Sean-Patrick's Hallowe'en costumes. Sheesh.