Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Good and Bad

The good news: The new Knitty is out.

The bad news: I want to knit these things:

*Pocket Creatures
Tempting II
*Mrs. Beeton

Do we see a problem? These are at odds with my Christmas presents. I did finish another one last night, but as it wasn't on the list to begin with, it doesn't count. However I did buy some gifts yesterday, so that's a few more off my list. I still have go out and get some more stuff to finish things off. I can't knit on the PJ's in particular until I get more red thread, because I'm all out from sewing Sean's Quidditch robe. It took a LOT of thread.

I think I might cast on Mrs. Beeton. Just a present to me, you know? OK? OK.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I adore the Mrs. Beeton. Adore. Cast on, Karlie, and bring on the photos!!