Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hey Patrick, that was an awesome movie. I'm going to post a link to it later in the sidebar. Glad to see you made your way here! :D

Life is crazy busy. I dropped Art History because it was an insane workload that was affecting my class work in my required classes (it was an elective). I'm still working doing Database Entry. Did well (I'm pretty sure) in my Plagues and People class, and have yet to write my other two midterms. I finished knitting cabled fingerless mittens in the brown alpaca Angela gave me Summer 2005, and am working on my corset in hopes to have it done for Hallowe'en. I think I will be doing the rest on the machine though. I'll still use the pure linen thread.

I just finished making Carrot Dill Soup and Oatmeal-Banana muffins. THen I have to study Archaeology.

Till later...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've taught several people to knit, here in the 'Peg. Avoid scarves, is the best advice I can give. "As soon as possible" gratification is the next best thing to instant.

Honestly, I start all my folks out on washclothes. I know they are tacky, but everyone here loves 'em. As a teaching instrument, they teach garter stitch stitch, yo, k2tog and gives a finished project in a short period of time. Whether for six-year-olds or thirty-six year-olds, the steps have to be simple, clear, and the results readily apparent. This allows an introduction to terminology, abbreviations, structure, without the scariness of guage. Guage is introduced over the next project - hats, mitts, student-determined, as it were.

Don't know if this will help, but I will check your blog again. If you want help, or to get together, sing out.
