Yay for the socks! They're all clean and blocked, and I'm really happy with how they turned out. I hope my sockpal likes them! I hope they fit too...I'm a little worried they might be a mite too long for her, since they fit me almost perfectly and her feet are shorter than mine. However, they are slightly short for me so maybe they'll be OK. I can't wait to make a sock band for them and send them off.
I also finished the Fort hat (for some reason it said Fort Scarf in the side bar, I don't know why), but I have no pictures since Sean's not home. There likely won't be pictures for awhile because right now our schedules couldn't be different - I work 9-5, he works 3-12. The only time we get to have a conversation is when he drives me to work in the morning. However, I solved the getting home from work problem, since the lovely Crystal (I'm not sure if I spelled that right...) is giving me a ride home every day.
Lovely socks, lovely Crystal and not so lovely lakehead, but to be fair it had to be done sometime.
Oh. My. Goodness. !!! Those are the cutest socks! You have one totally lucky sockpal. :D
Oh, how cool! very clever socks!
OMgosh!!! those are quite the socks. Sooooo cute.
WOW!! I love the socks!!! I really love them... hmmm... might need to sockapal socks...
Hi from Austria! Wow, these sock rock, they're absolutely great - your sockpal definitely is the lucky one! Looking forward to seeing pics of the hat you did!
Lucky sockpal! Those are the cutest socks I've ever seen. You are so talented.
Sockapaloooza has been so much fun. I can't wait to do it again.
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