Hello everyone! I hope your Christmas knitting/planning is going well, mine is going
VERY pretty well (trying not to anger the knitting gods). Right now I'm blocking a pair of felted clogs, and am in the process of felting the others. That means that all I have left is to sew up the waistband of the jammies, and finish the hat (another 5" of 4x4 rib, plus decreases) and I'm DONE!
Life has been good since coming home, yesterday Sean left for Winnipeg and he's getting immunizations today (Ew!) but I only have some sympathy for him, since I got dental work done yesterday. You see....
When I was about 2, I fell coming down some cast-iron stairs, and completely drove my front left tooth up into the gum. That not only killed the baby tooth (which did come back down), but it permanently damaged the adult tooth, so it looked weird and white and yellow. My Dad fixed it awhile ago with a porcelain cap, but after bleaching my teeth the cap looked funny, so I had it fixed with newer material in a lighter colour. However, the freezing went a little funny, and it's still lingering in my upper lip. This means I'm smiling slightly crooked on the left side. Hopefully it gets completely better!
I also got my hair cut today, and boy does it look better than it did. The old cut had too many layers and too much length for my baby-fine hair, and this one just looks so pretty! Plus it's much easier to do.
Hopefully I can put up some pictures tonight of my clogs and possibly of my sister and I dressed up, since she's going out to the Snowball dance at the High School tonight and wants me to get dressed up for pictures with her. Good thing I got my hair and teeth done!