Here is all the yarn I salvaged from the first Sally Ann sweater. It's such beautiful soft yarn. Any ideas as to what I should do with it? Remember it's a thick-thin yarn, so it's not plied or anything, and I don't think there's enough for another sweater.
What about a vest-y type pullover? You won't need to make sleeves, so there may be enough.
r. :)
Hmmm that might be an idea... :) It's hard to say, vests are risky for me. They look good if they're the kind that are really fitted and zipped up the front, so that might work. Think a zipper would stand up in this wool?
Hey Karlie,
Just wanted to see if you were ok, seeing as you haven't posted this week.
Hopefully you're off on a glorious vacation.
All the best,
Sockapalooza Linz
Awww thanks Linz :D Yeah I'm fine, I just came home for my Grandpa's 80th birthday and my boyfriend came with me, so we've been super busy with family and stuff. I promise, once finals are over there'll be LOTS more stuff :D
Excellent - best of luck with finals!
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