In work we've been doing more boating, as well as doing a lot of scanning. There is a whole room full of old mining and geology maps that were left in a leaky old shack and are nearly destroyed by moisture and mildew. On scanning days we take those maps and feed them through a wide scanner (it's 54" wide), and save the pictures so that we have at least some preservation of the maps. It's an OK job, a little monotonous but gives us a chance to chat (2 people need to do it together, to support the maps as they run through and be able to feed the maps in) and a chance to listen to some music.
I also learned how to use the log database. After Judy (or later on, us) has logged the drill core from a hole, we use a program within Microsoft Access to organize all the data (sulfide veins, ultramafic horizons, that kind of thing) so that it can be easily searched if something important comes up. For example (HYPOTHETICALLY!) if geochemistry showed us that, say, quartz-feldspar veins with green alteration were associated with gold in certain areas, we could plug that parameter in and it would show us every horizon in our drillholes which had those veins. Makes targeting easier.
Today is more boat work, since it's beautiful out. I've loaded on the sunscreen, and am going to throw some lemon juice in my hair to help it bleach more evenly in the sun.
I've also been doing some more wedding planning. I'm thinking that the colour will be purple, with pink and gold accents. I like the idea of the men having Dendrobium orchid boutonierres:

The bouquets would be those orchids along with possible irises, since they're orchid-like in appearance.
I also looked for some wedding bands, and I liked these ones:

OK, well I should get going. I have 10 minutes before we leave!