Saturday, March 31, 2007


I got sleepy last night just after 6, so I laid down on the futon and went to sleep. With a wakeup here and there to turn off a light, and move to the bed, I slept until 10 to 8 this morning. Wow! I don't even feel overslept now, just WIDE awake. I've been having trouble sleeping lately, and I think it's because between work and school I haven't had enough time to get an exercise. So, on Wednesday I did some aerobics, and yesterday I got off the bus a good 15 stops too early and briskly walked home. Seems to have done the trick to help my sleep and also let me catch up on what I'd missed.

My work is over now at the University, so I have more time on my hands but it also means no more paycheques coming in, boo. I can't go get another job because I'd only be able to work for about three weeks before I have to go on field school, plus I don't want to work through exams. My Engineering Geology term paper deadline was pushed back to Friday from Tuesday, so that gives me a bit more time on it. I still have my Geochem lab final on Tuesday, Historical Anthropology term paper on the next Tuesday, which is also the day of the final in that class, and an Igneous and Metamorphic petrology lab final the day after that. If posting slows down, you know why :)

I FINALLY have knitting news, although I can't post pictures right now because the fog outside is unbeliveable and therefore the natural light in the apartment is about nil. I finished the bus/class socks a few days ago and wore them, and I've started a pair of thigh-high lace stockings. I was inspired by these, and since I'm poor at the moment I decided to design my own. After a few hours with a pattern book, gauge swatch, helpful websites, measuring tape, calculator, and a whole lot of paper, I came up with my own pattern....only to realise that I've nearly exactly duplicated those socks. I browsed through an awesome stitch pattern book my Grandma gave me from the 70's, and found a lace pattern I liked - not strictly vertical, shorter stitch repeat, easy to convert into the round, and added scallops to the top (since I liked that look from the pattern). Turns out I picked the same lace as the pattern uses, although my scallops are currently pointier than theirs. I can probably remedy this through blocking. I'm going to do a short row heel I think, and a solid sole like theirs as well too, for stability. Mine are done in rose coloured sock wool and will have a cream ribbon run through at the top. So far, I'm about 2" short of the upper calf shaping (working down).

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